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Now for: The ‘Feelings’ Book Tag

Feel your feelings.. with books!

I’ve probably become a little too reliant on tags but, to be fair, everyone keeps doing such an amazing job with them that it’s hard to resist.

We have so many books that are just sitting there.. waiting on the day we’re finally able to finish the fifteen we’re reading now, the thirty two that came before, and the six we we didn’t even know about until five minutes ago.

Books are sneaky.

That doesn’t mean we don’t want to share them with the world, gush about how pretty they are, and give them a little face time. It builds the anticipation, renews excitement for reading them, and sometimes? You just need a reminder of what’s there..

A big thanks to Ariel @Gemini Book Nook for inviting me to join this tag!

The Rules:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link their blog.
  • Answer the 5 feelings given to you.
  • Write the reason in 5-6 lines of why does that particular book come under that feeling.
  • Nominate 5-12 other bloggers.
  • Give your nominees 5 feelings too.
  • Notify your nominees once you’ve uploaded your post.

(Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Any purchases made through my links may earn me a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

A book from your childhood/teenage years that makes you smile when you think about it:

Catwings: A Catwings Tale by Ursula K. Le Guin

Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce

A College of Magics by Caroline Stevermer

It’s really hard to answer this one and not because you can’t think of an answer.. it’s that there are so many to choose from. All of these books were (and still are) special to me at different points in my life. Catwings is a sweet memory from my much younger self. Several of Tamora Pierce’s series carried me through much of my preteen years. And A College of magics came to me in my early teens.

I found little pieces of myself in books, I still do, and I’m not sure you ever grow so much that you want to forget that feeling..

A book that you bought and didn’t end up liking:

Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins

Nope. No. Nuh-uh.

For all my lovely followers who have been repeatedly subjected to my extreme dislike of the ‘douche’ love interest crap.. Welcome back. This book is part of a string of books with a similar issue.. The dude is a jerk and, not only that but, she still wants him. Why?

(The worst part? There are some really great ideas here and I wanted so much to like this book, tried to like it, even. I didn’t.)

A book that made you feel hopeful for the future:

A Dog’s Courage by W. Bruce Cameron

Why, you ask, is it a story about a dog that had me hopeful for the future? Couldn’t I have picked something better? No. People tend to suck.

A good deal of what’s remarkable about this story is the people, not just the animals, the human characters had even my frozen heart defrosting.

Animals can bring out the best in us and in this book.. they do. The characters band together, support each other, and give everything they have to get one another through each obstacle they face. It’s heartwarming and reassuring to be reminded that, given the chance, we can rise above our differences and face the difficulties, the tragedies, and the turmoil together.

A book that you couldn’t wait to gush about:

Now, come on! How are you supposed to just pick one? We’re readers.. there are ALOT of books we want to talk about. All the time. Whether you’re interested or not. We gush.

Darkfever by Karen Marie Moning

Cast in Shadow by Michelle Sagara

(Okay, I only picked two, that says something for self control.. right?)

Urban Fantasy is a go-to for me. If I’m not reading about serial killers, dead people, and various other disturbing topics.. I lean towards fantasy. These two I picked for their originality. I love a book that doesn’t feel like you’ve read it ten times already and both of these fit the bill, they’re unique, and that’s rare.

A book where the ending made you angry:

Divergent by Veronica Roth

If you’ve read the books (just seeing the movie doesn’t count, they’re not the same, sorry!) you’ll probably understand why this one upset me. The abrupt and unsatisfying ending had a ring of finality that left my head spinning. Don’t get me wrong, there are Many books that brought about my wrath because of how the author ended things but, for some reason, this is the one I always remember.

If you read like most of us here do, it’s easy to accumulate a good amount of books that you wish you could change the ending to. Just a little.. a smidge, even. This is one of them.

My Prompts:

A book that gave you nightmares/followed you into your dreams:

A book you weren’t prepared for:

A book where the main character irritated you:

A book you wish was a series/wanted more of:

A book about something special to you:

Tag! You’re it:

Gemini Book Nook



Lady Tessa



This was a great tag to put together and it’s always interesting to see what prompts everyone comes up with. I hope you enjoyed reading!

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Mae Clair

    I read a lot of Ursula K. Le Guina as a kid. I have no idea how I missed Catwings: A Catwings Tale. Sounds like it was adorable. No wonder you have so many good memories of that book!

    1. Sheri Dye

      You are the first person I’ve ever known who knows who that is! That’s fantastic! There are actually a handful of Catwings books and they are so sweet and special.. If you’re still a fan of hers and don’t mind children’s books I would highly recommend checking them out.
      I really do! And thank you for reading!

  2. Carrie

    Nice list Sheri! I think I’ve told you before I agree with you on Divergent, that definitely was all the feels. And I got a good chuckle out of
    ‘People tend to suck’. Why… well because you are so so right about that.🤣

    1. Sheri Dye

      Lol, thanks, Carrie! I thought the books were great but that ending.
      I was in a bit of a mood when I did this one.. I guess it shows. I’m so glad you found it entertaining! 😅

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