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Welcome to ‘The Zombie Apocalypse’ Book Tag

Ever wonder what you will do when Zombies attack?

Are you one of those people who has seriously contemplated a future ripped right out of Dawn of the Dead, Resident Evil, or 28 Days Later?
Because around here.. that’s just good dinner conversation.

Inspired by a highly entertaining discussion with a fellow blogger, Trina @ It’s good to be crazy Sometimes, about what our plans would be should we be faced with the undead.. I wanted to see what a bookish twist on the subject might look like. Leaning more towards the unrealistic, since I mainly read fiction (you’re welcome to choose answers and characters that would be more true-to-life), I found it surprisingly more challenging than I expected to decide who and what would be most fitting.

It was fun to play around with how this apocalypse began, what characters would offer the best support, and decide where the most logical place to hunker down would be.

Curious to know the who, what, when, where, and why of your very own ‘in case of zombies’ plan?
All are welcome!


You know the drill!
Link back to the creator of the tag, Sheri @
Answer each question with a book or character you think is suitable (it’s easier if you’ve read the book but you’re welcome to use any from your TBR)
Tag a few friends you think would find it amusing
And just have fun!

(Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Any purchases made through my links may earn me a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

How did your zombie apocalypse begin?

Most likely? One of those big ‘Oops’ moments everyone learns to regret.

The Stand by Stephen King. (I need to re-read this, it’s been too long.)
One tiny little computer error allows a man infected with an experimental virus to escape a secret military base. It takes seconds for the virus to spread and within a matter of days.. almost everyone is gone.

Time to hunker down
Where are you setting up camp?

I initially chose a prison or abandoned military base.. Both have medical wings, food supplies, and security measures already in place.
Then I read Aurora by David Koepp and the set-up that Thom, the main character’s brother has created, is tempting.
A grand chateau, the above-ground residence, sits on 300 acres and an old missile silo. The fourteen floors underground are remodeled for the comfort, and protection, of a select few (dozen) and their families. Equipped with it’s own generators, security system, and most modern conveniences.. it really would be the place to go.


Who would you put in charge of your group?

Nightfall by Ellen Connor

Oh, boy..
Mason is not the friendliest choice for leading the group, he’s likely (absolutely) going to hurt a few feelings, but I’m completely certain he’ll keep our asses alive and that is the goal.

Who will assure the safety of your camp?

Roy Mustang
Fullmetal Alchemist by Hiromu Arakawa

Even if Mustang didn’t have the insanely impressive ability to manipulate fire, his military training would easily make him the perfect for protecting our base and people.

What character would you choose to gather intel?

Pathfinder’s Way by T.A. White

While not an entirely necessary position, I do believe it would be smart to have someone as sneaky and sly as Shea on our team.

What doctor/nurse/paramedic/veterinarian/etc will be caring for your team?

Age of the Five by Trudi Canavan

With both the gift of healing and an extensive knowledge of herbal remedies, I feel confident that this character would be able to take care of any/most medical issues we come against.

Who’s your best hunter?

Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien

No. I did not choose Legolas because I once had a small crush (understatement) on Orlando Bloom in the movies.
His character really is the best option. Besides.. he’ll be so pretty to look at. (I did not just say that.. Okay, yes, I did.)

Who do you think would find a cure?

Dr. Kathryn Railly
Twelve Monkeys by Elizabeth Hand

This is actually a television show as well as a book. Highly recommended for Sci-Fi fans. A future ravaged by a plague sends a man back in time to stop it.

What do you bring to the team?

Archery and sarcasm, my friends.
Unfortunately, the price of creating a tag like this is that no matter who you choose.. it’s likely that you will be weakest link.

A favorite book/movie with zombies in it?

Book: Anita Blake by Laurell K Hamilton
(I know, I know, this series is positively rife with other supernatural creatures, however, Anita is a Necromancer so I say it counts. My absolute favorite zombie book was used above, Nightfall by Ellen Connor, but I dislike repeating books in a tag.)
Movie: Resident Evil

Okay, that’s all I’ve got!
What do you think? Will these characters keep my group alive? Which ones would you choose?

Thank you for checking this post out, it was fun to make, and I hope you enjoyed it.
Even if you weren’t tagged.. don’t be afraid to jump in, I would love to see what you come up with!

Stay safe, be well, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Pooja G

    I always love reading these tags! I read The Stand a few years back and I forgot about it till you mentioned it in this post and honestly it sounds so accurate with the way the world is right now.

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you! I enjoy making them!
      Did you enjoy The Stand? I remember I did but it’s been so long and we hadn’t been through what we have now..
      And it’s sad how many books like that are becoming more and more relatable.

      1. Pooja G

        I think I enjoyed it since I generally enjoy Stephen King’s writing.

        Yeah it’s kind of scary that dystopic books are starting to sound realistic.

        1. Sheri Dye

          Oh yea.. Stephen King is a force.

          And I think we’re way passed life imitating art at this point. 😵‍💫

          1. Pooja G

            So true 😫

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