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Book Review: Edenville: A Horror Novel by Sam Rebelein

For the reader who enjoys stories that will leave you scratching your head..


Today’s book was a bit of a mindfck, guys, but one I think many horror readers will find interesting.
I know a few of you find WTF reads as addictive as I do, after all.

Stories within stories, worlds within worlds, all dependent on a host of unreliable and unlikable characters.
And in a book where little old ladies may just be monsters and the flowers can’t be trusted.. Questions only lead to more questions and answers answer little but, oh, what an interesting ride it will take you on.
Curious? You should be.

*Spoiler Alert
The way Edenville was written, I doubt I could actually spoil anything but I figure it’s just good manners to offer a warning.


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Edenville by Sam Rebelein

Four Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

First line: He dreamt of an attic. Of course, it wasn’t a dream, per se. But Cam didn’t know that at the time.

Characters: Unlikable.
Storyline: Strange. Complex. Horrifying.
Pace: Slow in the beginning but it picks up.
Writing: Dark. Unsettling. Descriptive.
Cover: 4.5/5

Multiple: Cam, Quinn, Madeline, Jopp Yennigen, Clarity

Cam is an aspiring author who, after a nightmare follows him into the light of day, finds himself possessed by the overwhelming need to get it all down on paper. ‘The Shattered Man,’ a tale of blood and violence, becomes a best-seller. Sadly, having lost the mysterious compulsion that drove him then, he’s been unable to create anything of substance since.

After a series of events leads a shadowy group to ‘The Shattered Man’, Cam is approached about a teaching position at a prestigious college upstate.
His long-time girlfriend, Quinn, was raised in that area and knows the stories about Edenville are all true.
Here.. there be monsters.

Still, they make a deal with one another to go, look around, keep their eyes peeled, and to use an agreed upon safe-word at the first sign of trouble.
They won’t be like those idiots who die in horror movies.
But nothing ever goes to plan, does it?

My Review:

The writing is descriptive, the content disturbing, and I found myself both impressed that the author chose to open the book with such an aggressive beginning and intrigued to see where it would go. And go it does.

There is so much going on here that I wonder if the author has done the book any favors by packing it all into one.
Characters and their traumatic pasts, their gifts, the ‘giant,’ a cult/committee, the sunflowers, mysterious disappearances, creepy little old ladies, seers, the falling man—and it only gets weirder. A tower to God. The multiverse, like the spine of a bird. And alien worms..? Yeah. There was a whole lot of WTF to wrap your head around and, while it does eventually come together, it’s a bit of tangled web until then. Sure, your most crucial questions are answered but.. were they? Unless this becomes a series later on, the author may have overreached.
Although, it would make a fantastic horror film.

All of these characters, though unlikable, have experienced one horror or another. Mostly abuse. Their stories explain their cursed gifts and their involvement in this twisted attempt to open a pathway to.. wherever else. You know, somewhere that is undoubtedly unpleasant.
Ten bucks says this author is a Stephen King fan because it does not hold back with the weird and disturbing shit.

Warning: There are a handful of highly disturbing and gruesome scenes that could potentially trigger some readers so.. do be sure to double check those Trigger Warnings before jumping in.

Overall? Honestly? This was a mess of a book.
But it was a strangely compelling one, nonetheless.

And that’s that
Thank you for stopping by and checking out my review, I hope it has you intrigued because this is one heck of an unusual read and I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.
Stay safe and Happy reading!

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Rosie Amber

    Well, I like the sunflower on the book cover, but I can’t read this type of horror.

  2. @lynnsbooks

    I really wanted to like this one but it became one of my dnfs, good to read your thoughts on this – perhaps I should have given it more time or maybe I was in the wrong kind of mood.
    Lynn 😀

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