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Site Update: 200 Amazing Followers!

Celebrate With Me! 20 fantastic quotes from some of the books on my blogging journey this 2021

My eternal gratitude for the part you have all played in my growth this last year!

“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.”

John F. Kennedy

No, really, though..
I can’t even begin to say just how thankful I am for the kindness and support that I’ve received from all of you incredible individuals. I am so blessed to have been given the opportunity to get to know a lot of you, both through your blogs, and our exchanges. You have made this blogging experience exceptional and opened my world to the wonderful books you’ve shared with me.

In return I thought I would share with you quotes from some of the books I’ve read and reviewed this year.


  (Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Any purchases made through my links may earn me a small commission at no additional cost to you.) 

But this was more, this was deeper, and I hadn’t even realized I still needed saving.
Sarah Darlington, Kill Devil Hills

“I said something about what if, what if we could somehow stop being the Beautiful Sinclair Family and just be a family? What if we could stop being different colors, different backgrounds, and just be in love?”
― E. Lockhart, We Were Liars

She didn’t want to hide anymore. She’d thought of herself as a survivor, but she’d been no better than a beaten dog, snapping and snarling in any attempt to stay alive. She was more than that now.
Leigh Bardugo, Ninth House

…it was never the Event – illness, asteroid, nuclear war, whatever – that was the problem. It was what people did after. And people always reduced to their least human denominators when things went bad.
Christina Henry, The Girl in Red

Maybe you think I was stupid. Maybe you’re right. Never go back for the cat, right? That’s how you get eaten by aliens.
But I knew perfectly well that I couldn’t leave.
My dog was out there somewhere. Until I had him back, or had proof he wasn’t coming back, I was going to stay.
T. Kingfisher, The Twisted Ones

“And we were alone. Locked in. All the lights were turned off. Around us, below us, this huge house seemed a monster, holding us in its sharp-toothed mouth. If we moved, whispered, breathed heavily, we’d be swallowed and digested.”
V.C. Andrews, Flowers in the Attic

Twenty days.
That’s how long we lived in that house before we became too terrified to stay a minute longer.
It wasn’t safe, my father told police. Something was wrong with Baneberry Hall. Unaccountable things had happened there. Dangerous things.
Riley Sager, Home Before Dark

She may be an echo of a girl who never lived, but that doesn’t mean she wants to die. Not when she’s finally alive.
Mira Grant, Final Girls

Except I don’t want to think about tomorrow. I want to stay in the space between days—the space where I don’t have to worry about letting people down or saying the wrong thing.
The space with no expectations.
Laurie Faria Stolarz, Jane Anonymous

“Once, I had something precious. I should have held it tight, should have guarded it with my last breath, but instead I let it go. I will regret that until the end.”
Joanna Ruth Meyer, Echo North

He marveled at the exquisite mystery of her. The woman who stood in perhaps the very spot where the girl had been taken. She was battered, damaged in ways he didn’t yet understand, and yet she still stood. A spark among the shadows. A ghost no more.
S. M. Freedman, The Faithful

If anyone should be kind, understanding, accepting, loving to their fellow outcasts, it’s you. All of you. You are the guardians of the secrets of the universe, beloved of worlds that most will never dream of, much less see … can’t you see where you owe it to yourselves to be kind?
Seanan McGuire, Every Heart a Doorway

When dogs live with humans who love them it makes for a bond never broken.
W. Bruce Cameron, A Dog’s Courage

“In my opinion, no one can save the world, Alice,” he says. “We can save the ones we care about, the ones nearby, if we’re lucky enough to be able to save them in the first place. Then once we save one, we go on to the next. One day at a time, Alice. One day at a time.”
Cameron Jace, Insanity(Mad in Wonderland)

I’d subliminally determined at this point that the only way to really know what was going on in the world was to listen to women talk. Anyone who ignores the chatter of women is poorer by any measure.
Lisa Jewell, The Family Upstairs

The problem with fairy tales isn’t the they don’t exist. It’s that they do exists, but only for certain people.
Lauren Oliver, Broken Things

Most of all, I was addicted to her mind. Her wit. Her ability to see beyond the scope of any given topic. Our debates about the histories were some of my favorite conversations.
Jeanne McDonald, Covenant

My sister’s eyes were so black, they looked like polished river stones. She was fourteen then, and already the most beautiful creature I could imagine. I wanted to peel the skin from her body and wear out draped over mine.
Krystal Sutherland, House of Hollow

Ollie looked up at her skylight. The rain slanted across the glass. It was like looking into an aquarium. Maybe, Ollie thought, they all really lived underwater, like merpeople, but didn’t know it, because to them water was just like air.
Katherine Arden, Small Spaces

I could see their faces, shining in the dark. And I think I knew, even then, that it would never get better than this. I think some part of me could sense- even here in our triumph, in our wild, perfect beginning- the small seeds of our destruction.
Ashley Winstead, In My Dreams I Hold A Knife

I can’t wait to see, share, and celebrate all the wonderful moments that come next in my blogging journey with you!

Have you read any of these books?

Did you enjoy them?

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This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Daphny Aqua

    Wow congratulations 🎉🎉🎉🎉 So happy for you. Wishing you many many more followers in days to come 😁💗

    1. Sheri Dye

      Aw, thank you, that’s so nice of you! It’s been a wonderful experience and I’m beyond grateful for the support!

      1. Daphny Aqua

        You’re most welcome 🙃

  2. Hermione

    Congratulations Sheri on 200 followers!😁✨
    ”The problem with fairy tales isn’t the they don’t exist. It’s that they do exists, but only for certain people.”
    I love this quote btw.😁. It’s beautiful haha😊

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you so much! It’s been such fun!
      And I’m glad you enjoyed it.. it was pretty difficult only choosing one quote per book but that one was a favorite!

  3. Zezee

    Congrats on your followers!! 😀

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you, Zeezee! It’s been a lot of fun and I’ve really enjoyed being exposed to so many new books and authors!

  4. Carla

    Congratulations Sheri. You will continue to gain followers, I’m sure.

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you, Carla! I’m really just happy getting to know so many new books, authors, bloggers, readers.. everyone has been so kind!

      1. Carla

        It is a wonderful community, Sheri.

  5. Mae Clair

    Congratulations on the blog growth, Sheri. That’s awesome! I love your idea of celebrating with book quotes. Nothing better for a reading blog. Home Before Dark was one of my favorite books of the year so far!

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you, that’s such a wonderful compliment! I hoped the quotes would be appreciated (I love collecting them while I read) and I’d like to read more of Riley Sager soon, the writing was great!
      Thank you, again, and be well!

      1. Mae Clair

        I’ve read everything he’s written. They’re all awesome!

        1. Sheri Dye

          Oh, wow, okay! I was thinking Final Girls or The Last Time I Lied for next time.. which would you suggest? (If you don’t mind my asking.)

          1. Mae Clair

            My favorites are Home Before Dark and Survive the Night. Survive the Night is an adrenaline rush. I really enjoyed both Final Girls and The Last Time I Lied. You can’t go wrong with either of them. I’d have a hard time choosing between the two. All his books are just that good!

  6. rothpoetry

    Congratulations… Keep up the good work…
    I read Flowers in the Attic many years ago… very chilling story!

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you, I’ve really enjoyed being here!
      And I wasn’t sure I remembered just how haunting V.C. Andrews stuff was until I reread it this year and, I have to say, it’s more so as an adult.

      1. rothpoetry

        Yes for sure!

        1. Sheri Dye

          I hope you’re enjoying a beautiful week! Be well!

  7. Nehal Jain

    Omg, congrats on 200 followers, Sheri! That’s such a big achievement 😍✨🎉🎈

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you so much! I have had so much fun being a part of this community of amazing people! 💕😊

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thanks! It’s always so exciting.. seeing your progress and celebrating the wins! 🥂😊🎉

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