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The ‘Book Blogger Memory Challenge’ Book Tag

Let’s play a game.. How good is your memory?

Who doesn’t love a challenge?

I was one of those kids obsessed with memory games. Rubix cubes, Simon Says, Bop it.. Name it. So when I saw this booktag, I knew I was going to have to try it out.. and the creator did such a wonderful job!
I will admit it though.. this tag has been sitting pretty in my drafts for over a week as I slowly puzzled out one or two of the harder questions and I’m pretty proud I got as many as I did.

I would definitely recommend this for a good bit of fun.
And a great distraction!

This tag was originally created by Laura @ Laura’s Book Reviews.   
And first seen @ welcome to the zoo!

The rules: 

▪You must answer these questions without looking anything up on the internet and without looking at your bookshelves!!
▪Once you’ve completed this tag, tag 5 other book bloggers to answer the questions next. 

Note: I did complete this tag fully before going back and adding any images or links.
My answers were not changed or altered afterwards.

(Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Any purchases made through my links may earn me a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

1. Name a book written by an author called Michael:

Gone by Michael Grant

It’s funny, my husband isn’t even a reader, and his automatic response was “What about Michael Crichton?” and I was just so surprised I went.. “Who?”
Which then lead to his long-winded explanation on how Crichton’s most widely known for ‘Jurassic Park’..
(I restrained myself from telling him that I already knew that.. I didn’t know that he also created ‘Congo‘. I’m a big fan of Stephen King and that movie still freaked me out. Now I’m going to have to read it some time.)

Alas, I had already chosen Michael Grant.
I read his ‘Gone’ books series over a decade ago and they were pretty good. I’m a pretty decent fan of dystopian(when they’re not focused on zombies and gore) but.. I’m not sure if I would enjoy these books as much now, they’re on the young side of ‘young adult’.

2. Name a book with a dragon on the cover:

Burn by Patrick Ness

I haven’t actually read anything from Patrick Ness yet and I don’t know how that’s possible.
His books look amazing and I was lucky enough to recently get my hands on a copy of this one so.. Yay! (Everyone in our family loves dragons. I mean.. they’re dragons.)

3. Name a book about a character called George:

George Weasley’ in Harry Potter

It was either this or Curious George because I had nothing.. It seems like it’s actually harder to remember the typical, every day names in literature, than it is for the unusual ones.

And I don’t want to start a anything.. but am I the only one who ended up adoring the side characters in these books more than Harry? J.K. Rowling really did create something special here.

4. Name a book written by an author with the surname Smith.

The Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith

This one was cake. I was always a bigger fan of these books than the ‘Twilight‘ series. Then the show came out and not a single damn thing followed the books.. except Stefan and Damon, their characters were pretty spot on. But really, it was her ‘The Secret Circle‘ series that first drew me to L.J. Smith’s writing.

5. Name a book set in Australia:

I’ve probably read a handful but.. Hell if I can think of any at the moment. I’ll probably think of something the minute this gets posted.

6. Name a book with the name of a month in the title:

June’s Blood by Juliet Vane

Just to be clear: The only reason I got this one is because I just added the book to my TBR. There’s no way there are that many books with the damn month of June in the title.. are there?
Can I look after I finish answering the questions? 😂

7. Name a book with a knife on the cover:

My lovely Wife by Samantha Downing

It’s a little surprising(and amusing) how many books there are with knives on the cover now.
I’m really curious about this one.. any book that’s purportedly a combination of ‘Dexter‘ and ‘Mr. and Mrs. Smith‘ is going to catch my attention either way, but with a cover like that? I’m in!

8. Name a book with the word ‘one’ in the title:

Year One by Nora Roberts

This one caught me by surprise, being that I don’t tend to read books from Nora Roberts. Don’t get me wrong, she’s a very popular author, but I only knew of her romance novels and am not a big fan.
This series and another of hers.. ‘The Awakening‘, interest me quite a bit!

9. Name a book with a eponymous title:

Tess of the Road by Rachel Hartman

I guess this one would have worked with the ‘dragon on the cover’ question, too..
And what a cover, right? I came across a review for this book @Zezee With Books ,and that was that, love at first sight. We all know it’s not just what’s on the outside that counts though so..

10. Name a book turned into a movie:

‘The Host’ by Stephanie Meyer

Stephanie Meyer, author of the notorious ‘Twilight‘ series (this is where I groan out-loud), came out of nowhere.. an overnight sensation that swept across the nation. I fully believe the commotion caused resulted in many other books to be overlooked and undervalued.
This is one such book. I think the unique spin Meyer’s puts on this strange combination of ‘The Vampire Diaries‘ meets ‘Roswell‘, had it been released first, it would have gained more traction than it did.

I’m a little embarrassed to say just how long some of these took me to come up with.. Don’t get me wrong, it was a fun time, but it’s a challenge for a reason!

Do you prefer to be challenged or simplicity?

I Tag:

Kristin Kraves Books
Anne with a Book
One More Book
The orang-utan librarian

Quirky Pages

Follow Read Betwixt Words on

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Staci Troilo

    I may have to think on these for a long while. I know I’m a bit of an anomaly, but I don’t look at covers very much, especially since switching to mostly ebooks. Fun challenge, though.

    1. Sheri Dye

      Ohmygoodness, that would make this really interesting! I think I mentioned that this sat as a draft for some time while I pondered out the answers. It really is a fun tag!
      Thank you for taking the time!

  2. Mae Clair

    Eeesh, that’s tough! On first scroll through I could only think of 4 from the 10.
    Good job on the challenge!

    1. Sheri Dye

      Right! It took me longer than I like to admit to get as many as I did.. The creator did a fantastic job! You should definitely try it out if you get a chance.. it’s a great distraction.
      And Thank You!

  3. Carla

    This is definitely not a tag for. Michael Crichton came to mind right away, but that was it.

    1. Sheri Dye

      They were pretty difficult, yet random, questions. I think the creator did a really great job because.. it’s a challenge, alright!

  4. It certainly would suit a native English person, me not that much. I was reading mostly in Latvian, German and Russian before I even started to study English. Anyway, you keep your followers engaged which is a great thing!

    1. Sheri Dye

      I’m sorry to hear that.. but thank you very much for your kind comment!

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