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Prayers and Positivity: When Covid Comes to Call

I often think paranoia and OCD have been instrumental in avoiding sickness so far.. but nothing is meant to last forever.

Call me a Boy Scout.. Girl Scout? But I like to be prepared and, really, how can one be ready for a pandemic?

You can’t.

You do what you can, in whatever way possible, to prevent impending doom.. and still, it comes for us all.

“There is nothing so patient, in this world or any other, as a virus searching for a host.” – Mira Grant

This far into 2021, on our third variation of Covid, there won’t be many who haven’t had/known someone who has been infected with the virus yet.

Unfortunately, we only just received the news that some of my family have tested positive for the virus.
The same family we visited days ago.
So, yeah, we’ve been exposed.

Now they’re sick, we’re under quarantine, and it’s more uncomfortable than I thought it would be.. staring down the barrel of the inevitable.

All you hear from the media are horror stories and, even more unpleasant, are the tales of abject misery from those who have been through it.

Fortunately, we’ve yet to show any obvious symptoms, leaving is with some hope that we’ll squeak by with out health intact. We don’t expect that we’ll avoid getting it entirely but, for the moment, we may just have a little longer. Fingers crossed.

Have you had Covid?

How did it start/What symptoms?

Any tips or tricks you could offer that helped get you through?

And the question I’m not sure I want the answer to: Is it really as bad as they’re saying?

Please, share your experiences with us. Many are still left that have been (blessed) fortunate enough to have remained untouched by the virus so far.. and live in fear/anticipation of their own turn.

“I didn’t want to go into town at all, because I was afraid that one of us might get sick, because anywhere that people are is where this damned virus is too.” – Christina Henry

All of you are in my prayers, my thoughts, and my heart goes out to you and your families.

Stay Safe.
Be well.
And hang in there.

Personal Request: I ask that any comments posted remain friendly. I’m not interested in drama and I would appreciate keeping things cordial. Thank you!

This Post Has 63 Comments

  1. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Thoughts are with you! Odds are good you’ll come through perfectly fine if you are healthy, no serious comorbidities etc. Keep up with your vitamins, monitor yourself through the quarantine period and don’t wait for help if you develop any symptoms of concern. All the people I personally know who had covid came through it fine, but some were laid out by it while others only had sniffles. Stay positive!

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you! I really appreciate the advice, hopefully it won’t be needed but.. I’d rather know what we’re in for. I do, unfortunately, have some health issues that would make getting the virus a tad more problematic but, we’ve been blessed so far so, we’ll see if the good fortune continues.
      Happy thoughts! And I hope you’re staying safe and doing well! 💕

  2. Daphny Aqua

    I can understand what you are through right now. Last year my whole family excluding me tested positive for covid. What helped them get better was constant steaming and having a healthy diet to boost your immune system. Don’t panic it will all be good. Hope you feel better soon. Stay safe ❤️

    1. Sheri Dye

      Oh, wow, that must have been terrible.. I’m sorry to hear you went through it. I’m glad you kept your good health, though, it must have been a bit of a shock..
      We’ll be sure to do that, thank you! I’m so grateful for everyone’s tips and well wishes, you’re all too kind. Do try to stay safe, as well, and have a lovely week! 💕

      1. Daphny Aqua

        It was but we got through it and you will get through it as well 👍 There’s nothing much I can do for you but will always remember you and your family in my prayers ❣️ Take good care and have a lovely week 💞

        1. Sheri Dye

          Oh, goodness, that means more than you know.. And trust me, your prayers are certainly welcome and much appreciated, thank you. 💕
          You’re in my thoughts and prayers, as well, bless you!

          1. Daphny Aqua

            Take good care Sheri ❣️

          2. Sheri Dye

            We do what we can and hope for the best!🌷

  3. Carla

    I am so sorry to hear this Sheri. I had a relative get it before we knew what it was. He was lucky and came through unscathed. A friend contracted it, but she as some other health issues. She made it through but is one they refer to as “a long hauler” and still has some symptoms. Everyone seems to deal with it in different ways. All I can say is do what the doctor tells you and definitely get to the doctor or hospital if you start to have issues.

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you, Carla, it’s so nice of you to share this with us. We’re hanging in there somehow but.. it’s unbelievable how many people we know or know of right now that have come down with it. Everyone who has lung or other health issues.. they’re getting hit hard.
      My husband and I will definitely be keeping an eye out for one another!
      Thank you again and I hope you’re keeping yourself safe, too!

  4. Lady Tessa

    My fingers are crossed that it’ll all be fine. If you’ve been vaccinated, then statistics are on your side – even if the family members that came down with it are vaccinated too. I remind myself of that daily and also I remind myself that the news reports bad cases and makes them sound even worse to sell “papers” and to encourage the unvaccinated to get the vaccine. Reporting the abundant normal cases is just not news worthy. I know, personally, the headlines make me want to hide under the covers and never come out. Lots of hugs and positive vibes are coming your way 🤗

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you! We’re running on a lot of hopes and prayers here. Fortunately, the members who were positive for it are recovering “nicely”. No one’s had to be hospitalized and my husband and I haven’t experience any worrying symptoms (bad time for allergy season though)..
      I agree completely! There are so many cases of people coming through without too much difficulty.. but all you see are the tragedies.
      So grateful for your support and kind words!
      I hope you’re keeping yourself safe, too, and have a wonderful week! 💗

  5. D. Wallace Peach

    So sorry to hear this, Sheri. My family, so far, has avoided Covid, but who knows if that will last. I wish you and yours the best. Take good care of yourself. Hugs.

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you! We’re doing alright so far and everyone who wasn’t is already recovering so.. we’re pretty lucky.
      And, wow, what a blessing! My prayers for your and your familly’s continued good health!
      Stay safe, as well, and have such a lovely week. 💕

        1. Sheri Dye

          It really is, thank you, we’ve been so fortunate.
          My prayers for you and yours continued good health. ❤

  6. I’m sorry to hear this Sheri. I’m sure you’ve already heard this ad nauseum, but according to the medical community if your vaccinated you’re much less likely to suffer serious illness. I hope those in your family who are already sick just have mild cases, and fingers crossed that the rest of you stay symptom free.

    1. Sheri Dye

      You’re too kind! Everyone’s been recovering well, all things considered, thank you! No serious reactions so far so.. we’ve all been really lucky. And I have been hearing quite a bit about the vaccinations.. it does seem to lessen your chances of getting sick and how aggressively you’re affected if you do.
      I’m so grateful for your thoughtfulness and I hope you’re staying safe, yourself!💕

  7. stevescountry

    So sorry to hear that Covid has come so close to your family. I had Covid more than a year ago and am now a long hauler, or having long Covid, with symptoms that just don’t want to go away. Always follow your doc’s advice and don’t wait to seek medical help. Taking folic acid and zinc will help boost your immune system. I didn’t know that part until afterwards. Just keep an eye out for symptoms and don’t worry.😀😺🌞

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you.. they really are handling it like champs! And, wow, I’m so sorry to hear you’re still suffering through symptoms.. I didn’t realize it could continue to affect you for so long. My prayers for your recovery and good health!
      I’ll need to check, I take my own vitamins already but.. they may just include both of those. I’ll look into it, much appreciated!
      Have a lovely week and feel better!

      1. stevescountry

        Yes, it can last a long time, they are not really sure just how long. I know one man, late 20s who was in excellent health when he got Covid and 10 months later he still can’t go to work, even has days when he can barely get out of bed. Fortunately long Covid doesn’t affect very many people and most recover more quickly.
        Thank you so much Sheri, have a great day!😀😺🌞

        1. Sheri Dye

          Oh, goodness, that’s so horrible.. Lots of prayers going around these days. All we can do is our best and the chips fall where they may. Have a wonderful week, Steve, and I’ll be hoping that you feel better soon.🌷

          1. stevescountry

            Thank you so much Sheri! I hope you have a great day, stay safe!😀😺

          2. Sheri Dye

            You’re very welcome! 💕
            And thank you.. Be sure to stay safe, yourself!

          3. stevescountry

            Thanks, I’m trying to be!

          4. Sheri Dye

            That’s all we can do, really, just try our best.🌹

          5. stevescountry

            Yes indeed. I wish that more people would be willing to follow the simple basic rules to help keep things under control better.🤔😺🌞

          6. Sheri Dye

            I don’t see any harm in it, personally, I’d rather do what’s necessary now.. than have to deal with the consequences later.
            We’re all just doing what we believe is best, in our own way, in our own time.
            Lots of prayers, Steve, and stay safe!

          7. stevescountry

            Thank you Sheri! Prayers much appreciated, the last couple of days have been rough again. Symptoms come and go and sometimes hit hard when they come back, like now. Have a great weekend!😀😺☕☕

          8. Sheri Dye

            I’m really sorry to hear that, it’s horrible that you’re still symptomatic after so long, I hope you start feeling better soon.
            Many prayers and healing thoughts your way.
            Thank you! Have a lovely weekend, yourself!

          9. stevescountry

            A lot of the symptoms have cleared up over the last months, so I’m hopeful that all of them will be gone eventually.
            Thanks so much Sheri!

          10. Sheri Dye

            Well, some progress is good, at least.. I’ll continue to hope and pray you make a complete recovery soon.
            Stay positive and try to hang in there!
            And you’re so welcome. 💕

          11. stevescountry

            Yep, always staying positive and enjoying each day as they come, even though some days are hard.😀😺☕☕☔

          12. Sheri Dye

            That’s good! Staying busy or engaged helps to distract but, really, the best thing is to just stay hydrated and get lots of rest.. but I’m sure you already know that, sorry!
            I hope today was better than yesterday and tomorrow is even better!

          13. stevescountry

            That’s okay, I don’t mind being reminded, I tend to “forget” easily sometimes. It has been a much better day although I hurt my back when I accidentally slid down a steep hill while out taking pictures this morning.😳🙀📷 So now I’m kind of stiff and sore, and pulled a couple muscles.🙄 But I got some nice pictures anyway. Enjoy your day Sheri!😁😺

          14. Sheri Dye

            Oh my goodness! I hope it’s not serious! (You’re really going to feel that tomorrow, yikes.) Good thing you got the pictures.. because that’s what’s important! 😆
            I’m glad you are feeling a little better, although, I don’t know if that’s still true after your tumble.. I’ll hope that you are.😅
            Will you be posting the pictures?
            And, thank you, have a lovely rest of the week!

          15. stevescountry

            I am very stiff and sore this morning after yesterday, it was hard getting out of bed! Yes, I posted two pictures this morning📷 and the rest will be coming over the next few months.😁 I was able to get nearly 200 pictures.
            Thank you Sheri!😀😺

          16. Sheri Dye

            Ouch.. Have you tried a heating pad? It helps a lot with muscles aches and stiffness. Hopefully some good rest will see you feeling better soon. 🌹
            I’ll have to check them out, especially after all the trouble you went through to get them!
            My pleasure, Steve, stay safe!

          17. stevescountry

            Yes, I do use a heating pad a lot since my back is in pain 24 hours a day and has been for years now.
            I’ll be slowly using the pics in various posts over the next couple months, maybe longer.
            Stay safe as well and have a great day!😀😺

          18. Sheri Dye

            Oh, man, that’s tough.. I know it’s not always that simple.. but I hope you’re able to get as much relief from the pain as possible.
            And I’ll be sure to keep my eye out for them! 😉
            Thank you and be well!

          19. stevescountry

            Thanks Sheri, enjoy your day!😀😺🌞☕☕

          20. Sheri Dye

            You’re very welcome and thank you! Hope you’re having a lovely weekend!

          21. stevescountry

            Even though the weather isn’t so nice, it’s still a great weekend! Thanks Sheri! Enjoy your Sunday!

          22. Sheri Dye

            Well, that’s unfortunate, the weather has been beautiful here. I’ll send some your way? Glad it was still a nice one!
            And, hey, any day you get through in one piece is a good day.

          23. stevescountry

            I always like to look for the beauty in every day, no matter what it’s like. It’s amazing the things we miss sometimes because we concentrate too much on the problems.😃😺

          24. Sheri Dye

            That’s such a wonderful way of going through life.. I’d like to master that skill, myself. I try to but, you know how it is, some days are just harder than others. Looking for the good helps!
            Stay safe, be well, and keep looking up! 😊✨

          25. stevescountry

            Well, it’s not something that will happen overnight, takes time, just keep at it. Yes, some days are harder than others, but what a difference it makes to find the positive even on those hard days. Just look for those simple everyday positives, like family, friends, place to live, kids, pets.
            Thanks Sheri, take care, enjoy your day!😃😺🌞

          26. Sheri Dye

            Don’t worry, I don’t expect instant results, just saying. There will always be days that are rough and that’s okay. You just have to keep moving forward.. sometimes all it takes is enough momentum to make it through.
            Thank you for saying so! It’s good to be reminded of some good things to hold on to!
            I hope you’re enjoying your day/night, as well!

          27. stevescountry

            It actually took me a long time to get to this point of looking at the positive each day, but I’m kind of slow when it comes to learning things.🙄
            We’re probably in the same time zone, CDT here though you might be in the EDT.
            It’s a cold, cloudy rainy type day here and very windy.☔☔ But my blue jays and chipmunks are having fun and providing lots of enjoyment!😃😺☕☕

          28. Sheri Dye

            Sometimes it can take a long time to translate what your mind and heart know to be right into actions. I try to go easy on myself, after all, we’re only human.
            And, hey, we’re in the same time zone! We had a beautifully overcast day with light showers that eased some of the heat here. Is it common for it to be cold there already?
            And that’s so sweet.. chipmunks are ridiculously adorable. Our pup is certainly glad for the break in temperature, too. ☺
            Stay safe!

          29. stevescountry

            Our weather makes a drastic change from summer to fall usually around mid August. Today and tomorrow should be in the low to mid 70s which is nice for us now, then on the weekend it dips to the 50s and low 60s for the next few days, which is more normal for us now. Leaves are changing color and falling, but not in a real big way yet, but more than normal.😁🍁🍂

          30. Sheri Dye

            That’s incredible.. we probably won’t see the beginnings of the season changing until the end of October, beginning of November.. then everything just sort of gives up and dies. No pretty color changes for us. 😆
            I hope you’ll be getting pictures once those beautiful leaves start turning!

          31. stevescountry

            I hope to get some pics this year. Last year we didn’t get a very good show of color, although it was cold, we never got an early frost like normal which helps to get the colors out at the same time. Otherwise the colors are spread out and it’s not quite so nice. Up here yellow and gold are the main colors, but we do get orange and red as well, mostly the smaller bushes like berry bushes and small trees like the mountain maple. I like all the different shades of yellow mixed with the green pines. I have pictures from other years, but it’s always nice to get new ones, so I’ll be out there.😀📷🍁🍂

  8. Sascha Darlington

    Sending good thoughts to you and your family.

    1. Sheri Dye

      Much appreciated, Sascha, and my hopes that you and yours are well!

  9. alisbooks

    Prayers for your family! It went through most of my family in June. My mom and I had fever in the beginning. My two youngest kids had sore throats to start. My husband never got it. My oldest son never showed any symptoms.

    1. Sheri Dye

      I’m sorry to hear your family had to go through that.. I hope everyone has recovered well and my prayers for the continued good health of the rest!
      Thank you for sharing your story and for your thoughtfulness towards mine! Be well and have a beautiful week! 💕

  10. Carrie

    I hope all turns out well for you Sheri! I’ve heard of people testing positive and managing to keep their immediate family in the same home from getting it so there is hope that you won’t have anything to worry about.

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you Carrie! We’re keeping our fingers, toes, and legs.. 😂 crossed.
      So far so good!
      And I can’t imagine how unpleasant it must be for those families trying to accomplish such a feat and succeeding, or worse.. failing.
      So many prayers going out into the world right now. 🙏

      1. Carrie

        I keep hoping after all this time we would know more about Covid too but it seems like it does what it wants when it wants.😠 Definitely all the prayers right now!🤲

        1. Sheri Dye

          You would think so.. who knows, maybe someone does already and we just haven’t been told yet.
          There’s this game called PlagueInc. The object of the game is total global annihilation of the human species by infection. Cheerful, right? Anyway, one of the options is to use a virus.. it’s brutal. You don’t just get to see how quickly a virus can mutate and evolve to survive and spread.. you watch the numbers of infected rapidly increase and death rates rise. It is a game but, with the state of things, it can give you a very real perspective on how contagions can get so out of control.

  11. Jasmine Zust

    I hope you and your family are OK! I did not have COVID but after my second dose of the vaccine I got a little taste of it. Felt like the flu and chills. It came on VERY quickly after getting my vaccine… maybe 12 hours? I know that’s not the same thing as actually getting it, but I was in bed for the whole day afterwards and then the next morning, I was OK. I’m trying to keep up with the news and numbers but also don’t want to scare myself to death hearing about it. I’m fortunate that no one in my immediate family has gotten it. Take care!

    1. Sheri Dye

      There have been as many horror stories about the vaccine as the actual virus. I completely believe that it made you miserable and I know it’s supposed to be better than getting Covid but.. still. Misery is misery. I’m sorry to hear you had to go through that!
      And thanks so much! Everyone’s recovered well, my husband and I somehow managed to escape contracting it, and everything appears to be settling back down.
      You take care, too, and stay safe!

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