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The Aesthete Blogger Award!

Thank you so much Marie @ I found my voice for nominating me for ‘The Aesthete Blogger Award!’

I really can’t say how much it means that Marie chose me as one of her nominees.

Her beautiful poetry and uplifting words are only a small portion of what this sweet blogger have to offer. It’s only right that such a strong supporter of her fellow bloggers, writers, and poets should receive a nomination for The Aesthete Blogger. I highly recommend checking out and following her blog!

Let’s show some love! 💕

Ashmita@ the Fictional Journal has created this incredible award, giving us the opportunity to show our appreciation to those who show up and make the world a little better, and just a little brighter.


  • Use the official logo/graphic of the award and display it on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Show some love to the one who nominated you!
  • Mention the creator (Ashmita@ the Fictional Journal) and link it back to the original post.
  • Tell me a something about this world that you admire.
  • What is your favorite form of creativity?
  • Nominate 7 lovely people and notify them by commenting on their posts; spread some love!
  • Ask your nominees 4 questions.
  • Share something you created. (can be anything!)
  • And lastly, just so you know: I LOVE YOUR CREATIONS!

I Admire:

They are 100% true to their nature. You will never know such an uncomplicated and straight forward love as that of an animal. A cat doesn’t act with the intention to purposely offend you, they’re literally just a**holes. And dogs will adore you, even when you don’t deserve it, for no other reason than because you exist. That’s incredible, right?.. and we’re not worthy.

Hard work, Honesty, Respect, and Kindness..
Because sometimes being kind, when the world seems like it’s falling apart, can be one of the hardest things to do.

My Favourite Form Of Creativity:

Every creative outlet has its own benefits and joys.. but for me?
I burn things.

No, I’m not running around setting mailboxes on fire.. I woodburn. It’s very cathartic. Since I’m one of those people who has trouble sitting still, and any distraction could lead to severe personal injury, it offers a challenge I find deeply satisfying.

Marie’s Questions:

1.What or who are you most proud of?

Friends, family, other bloggers.. I have watched so many surpass insurmountable odds and still find joy, and light, and laughter in this world. I’m proud of our ability as humans to endure. We face some of the most difficult and painful struggles every day and continue on. And after everything we have overcome to be here today, right now, how can I not be proud?

2. What is the greatest lesson you have learnt in life so far?

Life is not fair.. to anyone.
The old, young, rich, and poor are all treated to the same abject disregard for feelings, ‘wants’, or comfort. You get what you get and it’s up to you to decide what to make of it.

3. What is a mantra/quote/saying that you live by?

We’re all mad here” maybe a little too self explanatory, however.. “This too shall pass” seemed a tad depressing. Either way, they’re both true, and repeated daily.

4. Are you a dog or cat/sweet or savoury/tea or coffee person?

Definitely a cat person.. but l make exceptions for my aggressively lovable dog.
My sweet tooth is legendary.. but my husband has threatened to buy me a salt lick.
And I used to prefer coffee.. but now I can’t have it so, I tend to drink chamomile instead.

My Nominees:

There are so many incredible bloggers who epitomize this award, who deserve to be nominated, and have worked hard to make this a better and brighter place. But, for now, these are my nominees..

Marie @ I found my voice (Can you can re-nominate someone?)

Pooja I really enjoy participating in Pooja’s Six Word Stories, seeing her latest book reviews, blog advice, and so much more.

Inese @ Inese Poga Life School Inese creates stunning paintings of the natural world with an eye for detail that you can truly appreciate!

Perditus Shares richly evocative poetry that will captivate the mind and touch the heart.

Carrie @ Carries Book Reviews For detailed and honest book reviews, Carrie’s unique voice shines through, making her blog a great place to find both new and old favorites.

Belladonna Life, Poetry, Six Word Stories, and more this is a wonderfully diverse blog for all kinds!

Lucy @ Lucy’s Works and Co It’s always a treat to see Lucy’s creative poetry and stories come across my feed!

Jonathan Pongratz Fans of horror: This determined author is definitely someone to keep an eye on.. if you enjoy the kind of creepy that sends shivers up your spine, look no further!


What’s the most exciting thing you’ve done?

What animal would you be (if you could be) and why?

What is something on your bucket list?

What book character would you nominate for this award?


Thank you again for thinking of, and nominating me for this opportunity!

(Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Any purchases made through my links may earn me a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Congratulations on your award and also on the fact that you decided to go through the acceptance process. I suppose you were the right person to nominate. Makes me happy seeing you happy since this award is well-deserved.
    Thank you so much Sheri for thinking about me! I feel honored you decided to include me among the nominees, but I just cannot accept the nomination because it’s very time-consuming process. I’ve been avoiding awards for all 11 years I am on WordPress, I just never included a clear text that my website and both blogs are award-free. I hope this doesn’t upset you.
    All the best to you and keep brightening and lighting up our cloudy and dusty world with your blog and interesting stories! It’s so nice to have a blog friend like you!

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you so much, that’s very kind of you to say, and I really appreciate it.
      I’m not upset, you have every right to decline, if that’s what you wish. It’s only disappointing because such an award suits you a good deal. You bring so much beauty to the world with your art.
      But I can understand.. Would you like me to remove you from the post?
      I will do my best! And I’ve really enjoyed talking with you, Inese, I’m happy to be called your blog friend!

      1. There are lots of blogs which do not accept awards. In the first years, I think 2011 and 2012 I accepted some. It was ok at first and later all I was doing was accepting awards and there was no time for anything else, so I decided back then I will just stop that.
        Like I said, I feel honored you thought of my blogs and it’s nice to be nominated, but I apologize that I cannot follow through.
        I have to try drawing all things which are blooming right now and that is a time-consuming process. We are also still trying to book the second dose and that means wasting abnormal amount of time.
        I wish you all the best for the 4th of July!

        1. Sheri Dye

          I will remember that in the future! I know how much work it is maintaining my small blog, I try not to think about how busy it will get over time.
          It really is no trouble at all, it sounds like you have a lot on your hands, and I know how much time these things can take up.
          Enjoy drawing! I can’t wait to see them! And best of luck with the second dose, you’d think they would want everyone to get it.
          You’re too kind! Be well and have a good night!

    2. Sheri Dye


  2. Pooja G

    Congratulations and thanks so much for nominating me!! I’m definitely a cat person as well and I burn things to feel better to but I usually burn mailboxes and stuff so… JK I like burning firewood too!

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you and you’re definitely welcome! Yay, another cat person! And just don’t caught.. that’s the important part! 😂

      1. Pooja G

        Lol I always wear a ski mask so we’re good 😂

        1. Sheri Dye

          Lol, I snorted.. 😂
          You could be telling the honest truth and none of us would really know. 🤣

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