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Book Review of In My Dreams I Hold a Knife 5/5

Five stars to author Ashley Winstead for bringing us this completely addictive psychological thriller.

I received an ARC of this book through Goodreads Giveaways, all opinions are my own, and I happily recommend this book to.. everyone.
Releases on August 03, 2021

I haven’t been this excited about a suspense novel since Lisa Jewell’s ‘The Family Upstairs.’
Be prepared to immediately be drawn into the drama and chaos of these seven friends as layer after layer of their lies are exposed. Only one will be a murderer.. but all will be guilty of something.

Warning: There are spoilers.
Just not the kind that will spoil anything important.. Probably.

Content Warning: Contains physical violence. Sexual abuse. Addiction. Suicide. Murder.

(Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Any purchases made through my links may earn me a small commission at no additional cost to you.)

In My Dreams I Hold a Knife by Ashley Winstead

Publication date: August 03, 2021
Fiction, Psychological thriller, Mystery, Suspense

First Line: Your body has a knowing. Like an antenna, attuned to tremors in the air, or a dowsing rod, tracing things so deeply buried you have no language for them yet.

You are formally invited to Duquette University Homecoming, October 5-7.
We look forward to welcoming you back for reunion weekend, a beloved Duquette tradition. Enclosed please find your invitation to the Class of 2009 ten-year reunion party. Come relive your Duquette days and celebrate your many successes-and those of your classmates-since leaving Crimson Campus.

Jessica has been waiting and, finally, the time has come.
Duquette University’s ten year reunion.
Where it all began, the school that changed everything; body and soul.

At Duquette, money is power, and power was everything. Jessica came from nothing. Raised to believe a person’s status conveyed their worth, she drives herself to be the best and, for one shining moment, her time as one of the East House Seven made her someone important.

Adopted into this group of unlikely friends, popularity and a sort of fame followed the East House Seven, and, for a time, it was glorious.
Until it wasn’t.

Tragedy strikes when one of the seven is brutally murdered and another accused of the crime. The others try to move on with their lives, lightly holding on to the tenuous thread of their past together but, secrets have a way of coming out.. and all of them are hiding something.

Five Stars!

Propulsive. Riveting. Compelling.
Hang on to your hats, friends, because this is one heck of a ride.

About the book:

The East House Seven: Jessica, Heather, Jack, Caro, Mint, Coop, and Frankie.

“It was magic. It was my new religion. Each of them a star on earth, pulling me in with the force of their gravity. I was theirs. In that moment, I gave myself over completely. I worshipped them.”

The tension in the group is thick, with many lines drawn, and many more crossed. With everyone together again, old hurts and jealousies arise, as the twisted dynamics between this group of friends solidifies into some dark, living thing.

Today, something starts that will never end.

Caro and Coop are engaged. Courtney and Mint have married. Jessica’s internally flayed by this. Her rage and devastation are completely at home with the humiliation she feels at not being the one chosen by either Mint or Coop.

That’s when I realized: I really was a nobody. Nothing but background noise, filler, and I’d been blind to it.
I swore: never again.

Now that everyone’s made it to the reunion, Jessica’s plan is put into motion.. but fails spectacularly at the arrival of a ghost from the past. How could this happen? This was her night. She was going to make them regret ever thinking less of her. She is now, after all, the best possible version of herself. Instead, their carefully hidden secrets are being revealed with a vengeance, and no one will leave unscathed.

Eric’s words echoed through the basement: One of us. A liar. A monster. A killer.


Jessica has deep feelings of inadequacy, no emotional consideration for others, and an inability to be happy for other’s success. Her greatest desire (obsession) is to be better, prettier, and more superior than everyone else. She almost seems predatory in her hunger for more of.. Everything.

Fascinated by Mint’s shiny wrappings. Attracted to Coop. Jealous of everyone. She’s an unlikable character-but I was intrigued by her and became absorbed in her story. I needed to know where these issues stemmed from and why she is the way she is.

It’s a certain kind of delightful torture when the author manages to create an entire cast of believably untrustworthy characters.

In flashes she gets closer and closer to remembering something very unpleasant, possibly dangerous, and something she desperately wants to stay buried.

A stream of misleading events and actions keep you wondering and searching for answers on every page.

A twisty labyrinth of drama and intrigue, I easily became completely engrossed in these characters’ stories, the lies, what drives them.. and the near constant mystery of who? Who did it? I had to know, an almost compulsive need drove me forward, it consumed me.

This addictive psychological puzzle will likely keep you firmly rooted in a reading position until the riddles are righted and the mystery solved.

Told in dual timelines, from multiple POV’s, Ashley Winstead has flawlessly woven these unfriendly and unpredictable characters into a brilliantly addictive, tension-laced suspense novel that you won’t want to miss out on reading.

Like a good mystery? Twists and turns that keep you guessing?
I would definitely recommend checking this one out.

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This Post Has 35 Comments

  1. PeachyTO

    Hi praise for what sounds like an intense thrill ride, Sheri! I’m adding it, thanks to your review.

    1. Sheri Dye

      That’s so fantastic to hear! I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did and, please let me know if you read and review it, I would love to hear your thoughts!

  2. Carrie

    Great review Sheri, glad you enjoyed this one.🙂

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you! I was really surprised by how much I did. I’ll definitely be reading more from the author when I get a chance.
      How’s your current read?

  3. Happy Panda

    Ooooh great review. Adding it to my TBR! I was looking for a good suspense novel since ‘The Guest List’.

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you. I am so thrilled that you’re interested.. this book is absolutely worth the read! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did and I can’t wait to hear what you think about it!

  4. Angry Bird

    Hats-off to you for reading so many books and giving their reviews as well.. Really interesting 😍👌

    1. Sheri Dye

      Lol, I’m really not sure I have read all that much.. but thank you! I’ve really enjoyed blogging and the community, this has been a wonderful experience, and it’s brought all these incredible new authors and books into my life.
      I really hope you get a chance to read and enjoy this book.. And thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment!

      1. Angry Bird

        I will try to read it when the time will allow me you..
        You are doing a great job with your reviews..You know how much it helps the readers n saves them those extra efforts of what to choose from..??
        Anyway, how are you feeling?? 💜

        1. Sheri Dye

          Of course, we can only do so much!
          And thank you, that’s really so nice of you to say, it’s always nice to know you can be of some help to others. ☺
          I’m feeling pretty yuck tonight, thank you for asking, you?

          1. Angry Bird

            Oh..I hope you feel the peace of mind, love n good health pretty soon..🤗I was also feeling off due to personal reasons.. but I am ok now.. 🙂

          2. Sheri Dye

            Aw, bless you, that’s so kind.. I’ll probably be back on my feet soon, you know how life can get sometimes, everything has to happen all at once.
            I’m glad to hear things are better for you, I hope it wasn’t too serious!
            Have a beautiful weekend and stay safe, hun!

          3. Angry Bird

            You will be back on your feet soon, girly..You too have a wonderful n safe weekend.. ❤

          4. Sheri Dye

            Thank you, I really appreciate the positivity!
            And so far so good.. we are getting some especially beautiful weather here, you?
            Take care!🌷😊

          5. Angry Bird

            Yes, here as well the weather was beautiful.. I was partially a rainy day.. 😍 Take care, honey 😍

          6. Sheri Dye

            No rain here, just blue skies.. and summer showers can be pretty nice, too, especially if it cools things off. 🌞
            Thank you! I hope you’re staying safe!

          7. Angry Bird

            Clear skies are so pretty n peaceful.. 😍 Thank you for sharing this 😍💙

          8. Sheri Dye

            As beautiful as this time of the year is.. I can’t wait for the crisp bite of cold winter air.
            And no thanks necessary! It’s my pleasure. 💕😊

          9. Angry Bird


          10. Sheri Dye


          11. Angry Bird

            Love that winter vibe.. 😍💙

          12. Sheri Dye

            A girl can dream! It’s so hot! 😳

          13. Angry Bird


  5. Nastassja

    Great review! Can’t wait to read this one!

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thanks so much! You’re going to love it! Nothing is 100% but.. I’m pretty confident. 🤭

  6. Daphny Aqua

    I’ll make sure I get this the next time I order more books 👍☺️ Its sounds like a really great book.

    1. Sheri Dye

      That’s fantastic, I’m so glad! I hope it’s as great a read for you as it was for me!

      1. Daphny Aqua

        I’m sure it will be. Your book reviews really make it easier to buy the right choise 👍

        1. Sheri Dye

          That’s such a wonderful compliment, thank you, and I’m glad to be helpful! 🌹

          1. Daphny Aqua

            Its always a pleasure 🙂🤍

    1. Sheri Dye

      Oh, it was definitely one I enjoyed and recommend! I have such a soft spot for the psychological thrillers, they can really suck you in.
      You’re very welcome and thank you for reading!

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you! There are so many books being released that it’s really not surprising that some slip by but.. this one? I highly recommend not missing out on it!

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