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🎃 Reading Challenge: READERS IMBIBING PERIL #RIPXVI @PerilReaders

The perfect kind of challenge for fans of scary stories! I’m in, are you?

September is literally just around the corner and we all know what that means! Halloween fans everywhere, pumpkin flavored everything, and Christmas decorations four months early. Somewhere, in the midst of all this, readers will be dusting of their next spooky adventure into the dark unknown..

Ain’t life grand?

I came across this post the other day @ Book of Secrets blog and, heck yes, does this sound like my kind of challenge!

Like horror? Check it out for yourself!

It’s time for my favorite reading challenge, Readers Imbibing Peril! To join, just read as many mystery, suspense, thriller, horror, dark fantasy, supernatural, or Gothic books as you’d like September 1st August 27th – October 31st, and post/discuss them on your blog, Instagram, or Twitter. Yep, the official launch this year is a few days […]

🎃 Reading Challenge: READERS IMBIBING PERIL #RIPXVI 🕷️ @PerilReaders 👻

Am I sharing these right?

(Lol) Sorry, I’m still not entirely sure what I’m doing sometimes.. Thank you for your patience!

This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. happytonic

    Looks great! September and October are going to be fun. Happy Scary Reading, Sheri!

    1. Sheri Dye

      I know, right? It’s my favorite time of year and I can’t wait to dig into this challenge! Think you’ll be joining in on the fun?
      And thank you so much and I hope you enjoy some spooky adventures of your own!

  2. Daphny Aqua

    Ooo.. I’m loving this a lot. I’ve been waiting for this 😁

    1. Sheri Dye

      Right? I had never heard of it but it’s brilliant.. I can’t wait to get started!

      1. Daphny Aqua

        I never heard of it as well but it sounds great. Eagerly waiting here as well 😁

        1. Sheri Dye

          Lucky us, then! I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with.. it should make for some interesting reading!

          1. Daphny Aqua

            Yes it really should. By the way I hope you are in good health 🌼

          2. Sheri Dye

            Not too much longer to wait! And thank you, I’m hanging in there! And you?

          3. Daphny Aqua

            All will be well no worries 😊🌼 I’m not that shabby 😁

          4. Sheri Dye

            So good to hear! I hope you have a beautiful week!

          5. Daphny Aqua

            Hope you have a beautiful week ahead as well 🌼

          6. Sheri Dye

            Thank you!🌷

  3. Mae Clair

    Most of my regular reading falls into these genres all year long, LOL. I have, however, been reading a lot of ghost fiction lately and have more planned coming up. I do enjoy spooky reads when Halloween inches closer!

    1. Sheri Dye

      I stick to the darker reads, too, so this is pretty perfect for me. I’m actually really excited to get started and it’s cool to see how many people share the interest. Sounds like it would be a great challenge for you, too!
      And I love ghost/gothic fiction! Anything good?

  4. Lady Tessa

    This looks like fun. Can’t wait to,see what you read for it. Happy spooky reading! 👻

    1. Sheri Dye

      Doesn’t it? I haven’t figured out what I’m going to be reading yet.. but I’m really excited to get started! Thank you!
      Think you’ll be joining in?

      1. Lady Tessa

        I’m sure I will naturally meet the challenge. Lol. I’ll just have to remember to organize myself to include it. ❤️

        1. Sheri Dye

          I’m currently trying to figure out how I’ll be doing all of it, too, I’ve gotten as far as ‘So.. books.’ 🤣
          Best of luck!

  5. Carrie

    So far my spooky season reads have been Halloween themed cozies, so not exactly scary stuff. I’ll probably sneak in something darker though here and there. For me trying to get some reviews out in a timely fashion though I’ve been picking up some Christmas or snowy reads already.🤣

    1. Sheri Dye

      That’s great though! I had to finish a few others I was reading so.. I haven’t had the chance to start yet but I’m so excited to dive in!
      I don’t know how you keep up, honestly, reading cuts into writing time but.. you can’t write unless you read. Win-win-lose-win-lose-wait-what?

      1. Carrie

        Well, as I said I didn’t keep up most of the last year so now it’s try to catch up and keep up all at once.🤣

        1. Sheri Dye

          Best of luck but.. I’m sure you’ll be back on top of everything before you know it! 🤞

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