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Be Not Far From Me by Mindy McGinnis 5/5

What an unbelievable story! Find out why this young woman’s struggle for survival consumed me.

This book was Riveting. Intense. Unputdownable.
You won’t want to miss out on this one!

Move over Katniss Everdeen, this girl is for real..

As the first book by Mindy McGinnis that I’ve had the pleasure of reading.. Wow!
I am so thrilled to be adding her to the list of my new favorite authors. Along with Lisa Jewell and Ashley Winstead, McGinnis has given us this undeniably propulsive story that is hands down one of the best books I’ve read this year.

How did she do it with basically one character, a crap-ton of trees, and an almost continuous stream of seriously bad luck? She did it with style, that’s how.

This book is fantastic. Five Stars. Absolutely engrossing.

Let’s find out why..

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Be Not Far From Me by Mindy McGinnis

“Be not far from me,” I say. “For trouble is near and there is no one to help.”

If you’re quiet in the woods long enough, you’ll hear something die. Then it’s quiet again. There’s no outrage about injustice, or even mourning. One animal’s death is another’s dinner; that’s just the way it is.

The woods are not safe.
Ashley knows this better than most.

Many years of learning the ins and outs of the forest have given her a deep respect for nature and it’s many dangers so.. when a group of friends want to spend a night drinking and partying in the woods? She knows it’s probably a bad idea.

In a small town like theirs, tucked beneath the shadow of the Smokey Mountains, you can’t be picky when it comes to who your friends are. So Ashley isn’t all that surprised when her boyfriend’s ex shows up to the party or even when, after a few drinks, his eyes begin to linger where they shouldn’t. The real shock comes later when she stumbles across them together.

Instead of lashing out in her anger and heartbreak.. Ashley bolts into the pitch black woods, heedless of the danger and blind to her surroundings. The reality of it all comes crashing down when, too late, the ground disappears from beneath her feet.

Injured during the fall, and having no sense of the distance she’s put between her and the others, it isn’t long before Ashley realizes how precarious her situation really is. These woods aren’t safe on a good day but, when the sun rises and she gets her first look at the extent of her wound, Ashley knows she’s in a lot trouble if she doesn’t get help..

It will be days before someone notices her absence, and with time running out, she’ll just have to navigate her own way out of the unforgiving forest.. Fast.

I’m a living example of the old saying “If you want something done right, do it yourself,” because I sure as hell am never wrong and other people just get in my way. Even when my foot is flayed open and I’m alone in the woods, I am not calling for help. I’ll drag myself back to camp on my elbows before I admit I can’t do this on my own.

Five Stars!!

First line: The world is not tame.

About the book:

In a small town nestled between the Smokey Mountains in Tennessee, the woods creep in.

When a group of teenagers decide to blow off some steam, Ashley, their designated survival guide and resident nature enthusiast, knows the woods are a dangerous place to do it. But, really, they’ll be safer with her there than not.

It was supposed to be a long night of drinking and fun, and it is, until catching her boyfriend in a moment of weakness with his ex sends Ashley darting off into the dark forest.

Trying to outrun her anger and pain, she’s soon lost, rapidly becoming more separated from the others, and putting into motion a story of survival and bravery that I still applaud.

There’s no energy left in me, no strength in my legs or arms, but I do it anyway because I’ve decided that’s what I’m going to do, and I can be stubborn
Living things will fight to stay that way.

My thoughts:

This is my first look at McGinnis’ work and going in..
I really didn’t have high expectations.

I prepared myself for another ongoing stream of internal monologuing, completely sure I would lose interest, get annoyed, second guess myself, read some more.. then decide I can’t do it anymore before eventually DNF’ing the thing somewhere around 30%.
(That seems awfully specific, right? Almost like I’ve been there before.)

So.. it was a pleasant surprise when I then devoured this book.
I could not stop reading it.

Finally, my husband cajoled and convinced me to put it to the side (Somewhere around two a.m. Now I remember why it’s best to not start a new book at night.).. but the next morning? I immediately dove right back in. I was completely invested in seeing it through to the end.

What, you ask, was so interesting about a girl stumbling around in the woods?
Well, Simon, I’ll tell you.

That girl is something else. McGinnis created this fully realized, intelligent, and genuinely human character.. Then gave her a set of seriously impressive balls and the will to overcome everything thrown her way.
I was hooked.

Sarcastic, blunt, and almost unfriendly.. Ashley’s story, her determination to survive, and courage to keep moving forward garnered no small amount of respect from me.

I keep hoping I’ll pass out, but I don’t.
Because I was born with teeth and fingernails, and both of those were made for hanging on.

I highly recommend this book.

I’m also about 80% sure we should all be given wilderness and survival classes while we’re young now.
Just saying.

I’ve also decided not to include my usual ‘Liked’ and ‘Disliked’ portions of this review because, well, I loved the dang thing. Were there parts that may have been a little exaggerated or overdone? Some.. but it didn’t matter. It still doesn’t. I gush.

If you like character driven, tension laced, edge of your seat, let it consume you kind of books..
I’d say this will do it.

There’s no mystery, no murder, no suspects or villains. Ashely’s story is one of perseverance in the face of near insurmountable odds, of survival, and the strength it can take to keep moving forward.

I’m moving.
But Lord do I wish there was someone to carry me.

I will definitely be reading more from this author in the future.

Thank you for reading my review, I hope you enjoyed it!
(And if you’ve read this book.. I would really like to know what your thoughts on it were.)

Stay safe and Happy reading!

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Nastassja

    Great review! I also read this one and was impressed with the heroin’s strong will to survive. A very moving story!

    1. Sheri Dye

      I’m seriously impressed and not just with the main character. For the author to have written something like this? I can’t wait to read more from her!
      And thank you! I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment!

      1. Nastassja

        Mindy is a very diverse author! Every time I dive into her books, I do not know what to expect! I also very recommend her book Female of the species.

        1. Sheri Dye

          One of my favorite parts about blogging is meeting so many others who are just as passionate about books..
          And that’s so great to hear, I love it when an author can surprise you! I’m really excited about reading more from her and, thank you, I’ll definitely check that one out!

  2. Lady Tessa

    I’ve never read anything by Mindy McGinnis but now she is definitely on my radar. The main character sounds simply awesome. Excellent review!

    1. Sheri Dye

      I hadn’t either but I absolutely recommend checking her out! I so want the main character to be my spirit animal.. she’s something fierce.
      And thank you so much for reading and commenting, Tessa! Happy reading!

  3. Mae Clair

    High recommendations indeed. I’m not familiar with this author, but the book sounds compelling. Excellent review, Sheri!

    1. Sheri Dye

      The highest! This was my first book by Mindy McGinnis and it surprised me by how much I liked it. She’s made a new fan.
      I hope that you enjoy reading it too!

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