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A Poem for Winter: Robert Frost

A treasured poem for those chilly winter days:
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Hello, everyone!
I don’t know if you’ve noticed but.. winter has finally arrived!

I wish I could say I was more excited but, unfortunately, I’m just not feeling that good ol’ Christmas spirit this year. I’m pretty sure Cindy Lou Who has taken up long term residence in the back of my head, softly singing ‘Where are you Christmas’ in that sad, sweet voice.


I know I haven’t posted a poem in a while so this is will be a treat! It’s so easy to get caught up in other blogging matters, however, I’ll try to make up for that now.

No one is more appropriate for the season than Robert Frost (I mean, come on, his name is ‘Frost’) and, while many of his poems would suit the occasion, ‘Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening’ is a personal favorite of mine.


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Interesting facts about Robert Frost:

Robert Frost was an American writer born in San Francisco, California, in 1874.
He lost his father young (at eleven) to tuberculosis.
Shortly attended both Dartmouth and Harvard.
And, at one time, attempted poultry farming.. which was surprisingly (weird) unsuccessful.
He met his future wife, Elinor White, in high school.. an intelligent woman who turned down his offer of marriage to finish her education. A year later Frost proposed a second time and, with her schooling complete, she said yes. They lived to have six children.. though, sadly, two were lost.
While alive Robert Frost received over 40 honorary degrees and 4 Pulitzer Prizes.
And in 1963 Frost died from complications related to prostate surgery.

Robert Frost spent forty years going largely unknown for his writing (can you believe that?) but began to quickly gain popularity and recognition after returning to America from Europe.
One thing is certain.. this man had a gift.

“Every poem is a momentary stay against the confusion of the world.”

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
by Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know.   
His house is in the village though;   
He will not see me stopping here   
To watch his woods fill up with snow.   

My little horse must think it queer   
To stop without a farmhouse near   
Between the woods and frozen lake   
The darkest evening of the year.   

He gives his harness bells a shake   
To ask if there is some mistake.   
The only other sound’s the sweep   
Of easy wind and downy flake.   

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,   
But I have promises to keep,   
And miles to go before I sleep,   
And miles to go before I sleep.

This poem can also be found in:

Poetry for Kids: Robert Frost

Robert Frost’s Poems

A Collection of Poems by Robert Frost (Leather bound classics)

Thanks so much for stopping in, I hope you enjoyed this post and poem..
If you’re not familiar with Robert Frost’s work, (hey, stranger things have happened) I highly recommend taking the opportunity to check some of it out!

Be sure to stay safe and keep warm this winter with a good book or twenty and, as always, happy reading!

What is one of your favorite poems?

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This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Lady Tessa

    Robert Frost is one of my favorite poets.❤️❤️❤️

    1. Sheri Dye

      Easily! It’s so nice to see so many people who appreciate poetry on here! 💕

      1. Lady Tessa

        My all-time favorite poem that I quote all the time is Road Not Taken. Frost won my heart with that poem and many other people’s I think.

        1. Sheri Dye

          That is such a good one! Do you know ‘My November Guest?’ I quite like that one but, honestly, ‘Fire and Ice’ is the most quoted around here.

  2. Daphny Aqua

    I guess we can all agree that he is one of the greatest poets and we are all a fan of him, my loves for poems also started from him 🙂 And Stopping by “Woods on a Snowy Evening” is one of my all time fav. 💖

    1. Sheri Dye

      Hey, I know zero people offline (besides my gran) who like poetry so.. You never know!
      And that’s so great! Frost had such a remarkable way with words..
      I think I first really fell in love with poetry because of Edgar Allen Poe’s “A Dream Within A Dream.”
      Thanks so much for taking the time, Daphny, stay safe and have a wonderful night!

      1. Daphny Aqua

        Yes Frost has a remarkable way with words, you simply connect with it so well 😊
        Ohh! Thats such a lovely one as well ❣️
        “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” and “When I’m dead my dearest” are the two poems that pulled me to poetry 😁
        You’re most welcome Sheri, have a wonderful night you too. Be safe ❣️🌸

        1. Sheri Dye

          It’s poetry you can lose yourself in. 💗
          And those are both fantastic pieces, I can see how they would draw you in!
          A lot of Frost’s work seems almost musical to me.. the rhythm and flow. It’s easy to see how so many enjoy his stuff.
          Thank you! I hope you’re having a lovely weekend!🌹

          1. Daphny Aqua

            Yeah it is poetry you can lose yourself in ❣️
            How true, his poems are indeed musicap and quite a read. 😊
            Hope you have a lovely week ❣️❤️

          2. Sheri Dye

            Some poetry stays with us no matter how much we change.
            And thank you! Try to stay safe and have a great week yourself!

          3. Daphny Aqua

            You’re most welcome!
            Have safe week you too 💖🌸

          4. Sheri Dye

            Thank you!! I’ll do my best! ☺💗

  3. D. Wallace Peach

    I grew up in Vermont, Sheri, where we’re all very familiar with Frost. I love this poem. And you’re right… perfect for Winter. 🙂

    1. Sheri Dye

      Vermont.. Ouch. That’s a whole new level of frost!
      And I’m so glad! I don’t know anyone offline who enjoys poetry so I’m thrilled to see so much appreciation for it on here. 💕

  4. mojourner

    A lovely tribute. I think this poem appears in every poetry collection we read to our children when they were growing up, but it didn’t have much meaning for them until we lived someplace that had snow. ❄

    1. Sheri Dye

      I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he were. Frost has this wonderful way of capturing your heart, even when you’re too young to fully understand it’s deeper meanings..
      And snow is one of those things you have to experience for yourself! 🤭

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