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Book Review of Echo by Seven Rue 3.5/5

A Reverse Harem Age-gap Romance Novel.

Time is flying as we near the end of 2021 and the race to finish just a few more books is on.

A RH set in the snowy Alaskan mountains sounded like a nice change in my recent reading choices. ‘Why choose’ books tend to be a guilty pleasure of mine but.. I didn’t enjoy this one as much as I’d have liked to.

Now, I know most of us are busy and, thanks to some last minute surprises from family.. circumstances have become a tad bit more (frantic, chaotic, disorganized?) scattered here than I’d really prefer so I’ll be keeping this short an sweet.

Best of luck with all of your own holiday, family, end of the year craziness!

Btw, there are likely to be some minor spoilers ahead.

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.

– Mark Twain

Echo: A Reverse Harem & Age Gap Novel by Seven Rue

Trigger Warning! (mentioned) Child abuse, (mentioned) Abuse, Neglect, F/MMM Multiple love interests, Difference in age, Somewhat graphic sexual content..

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First line: I’ve been walking barefoot for hours. Days, even.

Echo, an 18 year old runaway, is trying to escape the abuse of her violent stepfather. Why she’s run off into the freezing woods completely unprepared, with no provisions, and no idea where she’s headed is beyond me but.. okay.

Luckily she comes across an isolated cabin because, well, she probably wouldn’t have made it much further and since a guilty conscience can’t compete with the need to survive.. she breaks a window and makes herself at home.

Days pass and Echo can’t motivate herself to go back into the cold again. She has no shoes, no food, and no clue where the nearest town is. She can’t go back and just knowing that her stepfather could have people searching for her seems reason enough to stay put.

Then the three brothers who own the place (anyone feeling those Goldilocks vibes?) return and they’re pretty used to this happening because, I sh!t you not, they knock on their own door and give warning to the trespasser inside. They couldn’t have known it was a frightened young girl but.. they’re about to find out.

Echo is not what they were expecting and, to further complicate matters, they find that she can’t speak. Using sign language, which one of the brothers coincidentally knows (imagine that), she’s able to explain enough of her situation to ease the worst of their concerns.

They allow her to stay, already intrigued by this strange girl, and she gratefully accepts their kindness.

Then their story really begins.

Three and a Half Stars!

Echo, 18: The main character
Willem, 37: Intimidating
Nordin, 35: Rude
Summit, 33: Friendly

Takes place in the Topass National Forest, Alaska

Multiple POV’s

This is no slow burn romance but is it technically ‘insta love?’ I’m not sure I would call it that. The attraction is there, yes, but it wasn’t immediately intense, all consuming, or fated.. thankfully. That has a tendency to piss me off. Everything, and everyone, does come together pretty quickly here though. (there’s a joke in there somewhere.)

The brothers are charming, protective, considerate, and kind.. without most of the things alpha male personalities rely on like arrogance, control, and a quick temper. It was refreshing. The relationships with each of them and Echo are sweet, they’re all respectful and patient with her, which was a really nice change.

Echo is gentle, determined, and way too trusting. After the appalling treatment she’d already experienced at the hands of her stepfather, her character was difficult to place in the role of ‘love interest’ (yea, that’s what we’ll call it) to these three. She has this all too innocent quality about her.. it made the more adult scenes feel rather questionable at times. (Don’t misunderstand. I don’t care if consenting adults want to do whatever with whomever, however, her character comes off as very young and she’s already been abused.. blame my ovaries for wanting to shield her.) Fortunately, the brothers assure Echo (and the reader) time and again that anything that happens between them is up to her. No pressure.

Altogether? The writing and characters are well done, the potential is there, it just needed more substance in the actual storyline. If I were looking for some moderately steamy book porn.. this probably would’ve done it but, alas, I wanted more.

I am curious to see more from this author in the future and do encourage you to check this out if you’re a fan of RH. It’s a quick, entertaining read, perfect for those chilly winter nights.

Words weren’t needed, and our eyes were enough to tell each other just how much our hearts beat for one another.

Thank you for taking the time to read this review! I hope it was helpful or, at the very least, entertaining. If you’re interested in ‘why choose’ romance, click here to see five more fantastic YA reverse harem series that I recommend, enjoy!

Stay safe, best of luck with all of your own endeavors, and have a wonderful holiday!

How do you feel about books with multiple love interests?

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