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Update: It feels so good to be back!

Florida: Don’t like the weather? Wait five minutes.

Bloggers, Readers, Friends..
I apologize for the recent lack of activity on my blog and any delayed responses to your comments.

My husband and I have only just returned from a week in Fort Lauderdale, Florida..
I would like to say it was a beautiful time away (and for the most part it was) but really?
It rained five out the six days we were there.

That’s Florida for you.
Got to love it.

Despite the incessant, unescapable thunderstorms we were lucky enough to get some time to enjoy a few of the beaches, collected a fair amount of unique looking shells, and somehow managed to take a handful of gorgeous photos in between the sudden bouts of rain.

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I did start reading the Truly Devious series by Maureen Johnson with every intention of sailing through all of the books while away..
Unfortunately.. I still haven’t finished the first book.

It’s likely that I expected too much and the reality has been a bit of let down but, hey, I haven’t DNFed it yet so.. here’s to hoping it improves.

I did fall behind on managing my blog. It turns out that it was much more difficult to juggle it and the trip than I originally expected.
At least I’ll know better next time, right?

Thank you all for your patience and support!
Travelling is fun but it is nice to be back among my fellow readers (and my animals, omgosh, I missed them so much!)

Do you travel?
Where have you visited?

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This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Rebecca Cuningham

    Great photos. Hope it was restful albeit rainy.

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you!
      It was nice.. turns out you can still enjoy yourself even when the weather doesn’t want to cooperate. 😋

        1. Sheri Dye

          Have a wonderful week!

  2. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Oh man, I love Florida! I hope you had a restful time away!

    1. Sheri Dye

      I do not love Florida.. I accept that certain parts are beautiful and fascinating but I would rather be in the mountains. With breathable air.
      It was a nice trip, though, thank you! We did plenty of resting during all the rain! 😆

  3. bookwormbloggerweb

    Lovely photos, sometimes it’s just nice to have a change if scenery.

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you and you’re absolutely right!
      We get so caught up in our schedules and routines that it can eventually feel like a noose around your neck.. doing something different or going somewhere new is almost like a breath of fresh air.

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