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A quick note on my sudden disappearance..

When it rains.. it really does pour

Dear friends,

I apologize for disappearing without warning.. a family emergency came up and that has been our sole focus.
I hope to return to my regular blogging schedule next week but it will depend heavily on the situation at the time.
Thank you so much for you patience and understanding, I really do appreciate it.

Stay Safe and Be Well.

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Linda Moore

    I hope all is ok.
    You are in my thoughts.

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you.. it’s always hard when someone you love isn’t well. I really appreciate your kindness. ❤️

  2. Daphny Aqua

    Praying for you and your family. 💕❤️

    1. Sheri Dye

      Prayers are always appreciated, thank you.💕

      1. Daphny Aqua

        You’re welcome! 💞

        1. Sheri Dye


    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you. That’s all we can really hope for sometimes.

        1. Sheri Dye

          Maybe that one of the reasons we love to read.. books give us a hope that reality does not.

  3. Zezee

    Aww, hope things will be okay.

    1. Sheri Dye

      I apologize for the late reply but thank you. ❤️
      Everything ends up okay eventually.. you just have to find a way to keep moving forward until it does.

  4. Rebecca Cuningham

    Take care during the crisis. Pamper yourself when you can!

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you, I appreciate it!
      I do try to.. but it’s difficult to do sometimes.

      1. Rebecca Cuningham

        Yes, so true. A long epsom salt bath one evening? 🛁

        1. Sheri Dye

          That does sound lovely but.. with the obscenely hot temperatures we’ve been having? It’s not likely to help me relax.

          1. Sheri Dye

            Lol.. At least you didn’t say ice bath. 😅

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