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Book Review: One of Those Faces by Elle Grawl

Statistically, you have six doppelgangers in the world..


This is another of Amazon’s First Reads—a program exclusive to Prime Members that allows you to choose from a small selection of yet-to-be-released books for free. I highly recommend it.

Ever been mistaken for another person? Had someone swear you look just like so and so?
It’s bound to happen. Scientists say that statistically, we all have at least six lookalikes walking around out there.
Can you imagine?

The book focuses heavily on the negative impact this subject has on one already troubled woman’s mental health.
Be sure to check with the trigger warnings on this one, it touches on a handful of sensitive subjects that could be unpleasant for some.

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One of Those Faces by Elle Grawl

Publication date: December 1, 2022
Pages: 365
Genre: Mystery, Psychological Thriller, Domestic Thriller, Suspense

Three Stars ⭐⭐⭐

First line: Her face is just like mine.

Characters: Frustrating.
Storyline: All over the place.
Pace: Meandering.
Writing: Fair.
Cover: 3/5

One: Harper

Harper avoids her own scarred reflection, a near constant reminder of the twin she lost as a girl.. until she begins to see her face everywhere.
Then a young woman who resembles her is murdered across the street from Harper’s apartment and she can’t help but wonder if it’s somehow connected to her and the dark past she ran from.

She becomes obsessed with finding women who look like her.
One is missing. Another, murdered. And the last may just be next.
What do these acts of violence have to do with Harper and can she figure it out before anyone else dies?

has no

This is the author’s debut novel so I did try to keep that in mind but.. some books aren’t for everyone.

None of the characters are very likable, Harper least of all.
You can tell right away that’s she’s been through some stuff. She avoids mirrors, has horrifying nightmares, sleepwalks, and seems to have little to no regard for her own safety. Throughout the book I watched her make bad decision after bad decision and learn almost nothing from the consequences. Half of her actions, and I’m being generous here, were completely baffling.. they made no sense and I couldn’t understand the ‘why’ behind it all. I figured by the end I would have some understanding of Harper but no.

The men who come into her life are all suspicious in some way but even when Harper has every reason to question them.. she never does. It was frustrating. There are women who look like her dying and disappearing but, beyond some very poor detective work, there’s never a real sense of danger.

I did enjoy all the uncertainty surrounding Harper’s character. Tormented by her past, unhappy in the present, she’s the most untrustworthy of them all for several reasons. There’s a lot of twisting and turning here that has you second-guessing even the most obvious things and kept me turning pages, the need for answers.

At times it felt to me that the author had attempted too much and parts of the story were poorer for it. There were so many details about Harper’s past and life, about her doppelgangers and the men, that were glossed over or dismissed entirely that it was disappointing.

Overall: This had the potential to be one heck of a great read but, for me, it fell short.
Would I recommend it? Yes.
Will I re-read it? No.
But I do look forward to seeing what the author comes up with next.

has no

Thanks for stopping in and checking out this review, I hope it was helpful!
Have you ever been mistaken for someone else?

Stay warm and safe out there!

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Rosie Amber

    I’m not a Prime Member, but I was invited to this programme. I just pay a discounted rate for any book that I choose from it.

  2. Mark Edward Jabbour

    I like your approach to reviewing. Do you think the doppelgänger thing was just a gimmick?
    I was once told I look like Tom Selleck. But I don’t buy the proposition that there’s 6 out there. Sort of like the alien thing. There MUST be others out there.

    1. Sheri Dye

      Thank you. And with how many people are on this planet alone I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more. I mean.. we’re not talking about replicas or clones so six actually seems like a reasonable number.
      Think about anything a certain way and nothing is impossible. Aliens, alternate realities, astral projection, precognition. All things that we’ve yet to explain but still might very well exist.

  3. D. Wallace Peach

    This book does sound frustrating, Sheri. That’s too bad. How interesting that we statistically have about six dopplegangers. It actually seems like it would be more with billions of people in the world. Thanks for sharing your review and the tip about Amazon Firsts Reads.

    1. Sheri Dye

      It sucks.. this one had the potential to be so much more. And I agree, you’d think there would be more of them, but I’m also surprised that we don’t run into our ‘lookalikes’ more often.
      You’re very welcome! Stay safe and warm! ❤️

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